Assoc. Prof. Pichet Vanichchapongjaroen, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics
- Head of the IFTHEP Lab
- Head of String Theory Group (within the IFTHEP)
- DPST Scholar
Laboratory: Laboratory of Integrability, Field Theories and High Energy Physics
Email: pichetv@nu.ac.th
Short courses/Talks
- Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences, Durham (St. Cuthbert’s Society- Dunelm)
- M.Sci. First Class Hons. in Mathematics and Physics within the Natural Sciences Programme, Durham (St. Aidan’s College- Dunelm)
Research interests
- String Theory, M-theory, Gauge-Gravity Duality
Selected Publications
- [1] P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “Dual formulation of covariant nonlinear dualitysymmetric action of kappa-symmetric D3-brane,” JHEP 1802 (2018) 116 doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2018)116 [arXiv:1712.06425 [hep-th]].
- [2] S. L. Ko and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “A covariantisation of M5-brane action in dual formulation,” JHEP 1801 (2018) 072 doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2018)072 [arXiv:1712.06408 [hep-th]].
- [3] S. L. Ko and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “The Dual Formulation of M5-brane Action,” JHEP 1606 (2016) 022 doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2016)022 [arXiv:1605.04705 [hep-th]].
- [4] S. L. Ko and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “Towards 2+4 formulation of M5-brane,” JHEP 1512 (2015) 170 doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2015)170 [arXiv:1511.05395 [hep-th]].
- [5] S. Chunlen, K. Peeters, P. Vanichchapongjaroen and M. Zamaklar, “Signals of a new phase in N = 2 gauge theory with a magnetic field on the three-sphere,” JHEP 1409 (2014) 058 doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2014)058 [arXiv:1405.1996 [hep-th]].
- [6] S. L. Ko, D. Sorokin and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “The M5-brane action revisited,” JHEP 1311 (2013) 072 doi:10.1007/JHEP11(2013)072 [arXiv:1308.2231 [hep-th]].
- [7] C. S. Chu and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “Non-abelian Self-Dual String and M2-M5 Branes Intersection in Supergravity,” JHEP 1306 (2013) 028 doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2013)028 [arXiv:1304.4322 [hep-th]].
- [8] S. Chunlen, K. Peeters, P. Vanichchapongjaroen and M. Zamaklar, “Instability of N=2 gauge theory in compact space with an isospin chemical potential,” JHEP 1301 (2013) 035 doi:10.1007/JHEP01(2013)035 [arXiv:1210.6188 [hep-th]].
- [9] C. S. Chu, S. L. Ko and P. Vanichchapongjaroen, “Non-Abelian Self-Dual StringSolutions,” JHEP 1209 (2012) 018 doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2012)018 [arXiv:1207.1095 [hep-th]].
- “Alternative forms of single M5-brane action and their applications”Research Grant for New Scholar by Office of Higher Education Commission (OHEC) and The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) 2017-2019
- “Dual Theories of M5-branes” by Naresuan University Research Grant 205-2016
Vanichchapongjaroen P. (2023). Quantum Field Theory (in Thai) (2nd reprint). Naresuan University Publising House
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897601: Symmetries and Lie Algebra in Physics [HGD Course] [course syllabus] [class schedule]
- The lecture classes starts on Monday 6th August 2018 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: Mondays 13:00-14:30 and Fridays 13:00-14:30 at TA208B. Please call in or make appointments.
- Homeworks [I-1] [I-2] [I-3] [I-4] [I-5] [II-6] [II-7-8] [II-9-10]
897503: Green’s Functions and Propagation [MS Course] [course syllabus] [class schedule]
Years taught: 2018/2019
- The lecture classes starts on Tuesday 7th August 2018 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: Tuesdays 13:00-15:00 at TA208B. Please call in or make appointments.
- Homeworks [I-1] [I-2] [II-3] [II-4] [II-5]
897602: Geometrical Methods in Physics [PhD Course] [course syllabus] [class schedule]
Years taught: 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018
- The lecture classes starts on Tuesday 15th August 2017 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: Wednesdays 14:00-15:30 and Fridays 08:30-10:00 at TA208B. Please call in or make appointments.
- Homeworks [1] [2]
- Homeworks from last year [3] [4]
897664: String Theory [PhD Course] [course syllabus] [class schedule]
Years taught: 2015/2016
- The course starts on Friday 14th August 2015 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: TBA at TA208B and TA209A. Please call in or make appointments.
897501: Mathematical Methods for Physics [MS Course] [course syllabus] [class schedule] [General Advices] (Linear Algebra Homeworks, Fourier Transform Homeworks, PDE Homeworks)
Years taught: 2014/2015, 2015/2016
- The course starts on Saturday 9th January 2016 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: Tuesdays 15:00-17:00 at TA208B and TA208A. Please call in or make appointments.
897531: Dynamical System [MS Course] [course syllabus]
Years taught: 2014/2015
- The course starts on Sunday 11th January 2015 at The Academia Room TA212
- Office Hours: Saturdays 11:00-12:00 and Sundays 14:00-15:00 at TA208B. Please call in or make appointments.
- This course on the academic year 2014/2015 has ended.
261352: Modern Physics [2-hour Invited lecture][BSc Course] [lecture note]
Years taught: 2014/2015
– A 2-hour lecture on the Standard Model
– Lecture time 17th March 2015 8:00-10:00
– At Sc5-214 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University
261352: Modern Physics [2-hour Invited lecture][BSc Course] [slide (Thai)][slide (English)]
Years taught: 2015/2016
- A 2-hour lecture on the Standard Model (mostly covered neutrino oscillation)
- Lecture time 27th October 2015 13:00-14:50
- At Sc5-218 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Naresuan University